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Distro Chronicle

A few words and photos of our previous distro cooking efforts. If this moves you, help us out!


who: Sadie/Caleb cooked, Ben assist, Caleb/Layla transport

notes: 200+ people fed. 15 gallons chicken/chickpea stew, 4 gallon white rice. First cook with some new gear and Baldor-sourced ingredients. Baldor oversized cabbages ain't great. Handbook research ongoing, recipes nearly finalized. GoFundMe is up.

todo: Finish handbook. Formalize breakdown/cleanup after cook. Ice wands and refrigeration.


who: Sadie/Caleb cooked, Ben assist, Avery transported and served

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notes: 200+ people fed. 15 gallons chicken/chickpea stew, 4 gallon rice (white, "he-goat smell" ofada, buckwheat kasha). Handbook is called for to formalize process.


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