While living together, we have both organically and deliberately arrived at norms (expectations, behaviors, and practices) that have helped keep our home jolly and in good standing. Here are a few of them, for our and your reference. They are absolutely subject to change, though many have accumulated the staying power of familiarity.
- Music is played, often loud, both recorded and live.
- We meet weekly over dinner to reconnect, share plans, celebrate eachother's labor from the preceding week, and address house concerns.
- Vegetables! We eat 'em! Occaisonally meat but rarely, and we try to accomodate our vegetarian members sensibilities.
- When possible we acquire used goods before buying new ones through stooping, BuyNothing, and craigslist.
- House problem? Improvement? Do-it-fix-it!
- When we cook it's rarely for one person. Food is to be shared.
- We pursue uprightness -- empty sink, stuff swept off diningroom table into bullshit box nightly and lovingly.
- Guests come often and we've been glad of it. When guests are going to stay for more than a couple nights, we check in the week before as possible, though it's only ever worked out well.
- Members of our community choose how they dress, and how much they dress. Often enough naked to the waist. It can be hot out here in the summer.
- For some of us, joy is scrubbing a toilet. For others, cooking or gardening. We contribute our energy and care differently.